I’m Still Alive

I’m Still Alive

Life has definitely taken a few twists and turns for the McMullen Clan.

In June, we packed up and moved from the cornfields of Indiana to the sun-baked beaches of California. The transition was more intense than that, but I’ll spare you the details and skip to the part about living in “paradise.”

The family has adjusted well, we’ve done a bunch of cool stuff and school is right around the corner.

Unfortunately, in the transition I’ve gone through yet another dry patch with my writing. It is what it is – with all the traveling, starting a new job, looking for housing and soccer programs – there just isn’t time to focus on other things. And without fail, writing, exercise and sleep fall through the cracks…

But this week something changed…

I’ve been thinking about writing again. I’m getting excited about the possibilities, and every day I have new ideas to add to my toolbox. I still haven’t cracked open Scrivener, but the gears are turning and it’s just a matter of time.

Part of my hesitancy is the intimidation factor. It’s been a long time since I last put words to paper. I’ll have a lot of catching up to do, and I really need to go back through the entire thing to make sure it matches where I’m at in life right now.

But it’s all good stuff. And I can’t wait to get back at it.

Life gets in the way – but you can’t use that excuse forever.

I have a book to write!!!


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